Every garden in the Flagstaff area offers its gardener unique opportunities and challenges. Each has its own combination of high and low temperatures, exposure to the sun, degree of slope, precipitation, wind intensity, and soil. Whereas gardeners in other parts of the country can often design with only color and form in mind, gardeners here must carefully observe their particular location, allowing nature to shape their vision and guide their decisions.
This website’s unique feature is our collection of Flagstaff area microclimate maps including temperature, precipitation, and wind. Garden in Flagstaff also offers:
- an explanation and diagrams about the importance of relative humidity in our arid climate
information about native plants and animals with a map of wildlife linkages
- worksheets for evaluating your own site
advice about gardening in your neighborhood
To learn more about the character of your particular site, see the Worksheets column. Here you’ll find Map Your Site, Measure Your Slope, Evaluate Your Site’s Potential, and Design Your Garden.
Consult our Advice column for practical suggestions including Improve Your Soil, Hardscape, Conserve Water, and Choose Your Plants. You’ll also find Notes from Master Gardeners and Essays from High Country Gardener.
Note: Maps are framed by the boundaries of the Flagstaff Metropolitan Planning Organization. FMPO is the federal designation for cooperative transportation planning by the City of Flagstaff, Coconino County, and the State of Arizona.