watershed | an area or region drained by a river or river system.
Tributaries of the Rio de Flag and Walnut Creek run through many Flagstaff area neighborhoods. Water rarely flows through them—usually only during the rainy season or as snow melts in spring. Yet these channels provide access to nature for people, movement corridors for wildlife, and habitat for moisture-dependent plants and animals.
Long ago, these watersheds collected deep soil in several areas including Fort Valley, Cheshire, Coconino Estates, Townsite, Downtown, Southside, Clay Avenue, Northern Arizona University, the I-40 Wetlands, Forest Dale, Foxglenn Park, parts of Continental, and low-lying areas east of the city limits such as Rain Valley and Doney Park. These floodplains tend to be heavy in clay.
- For more information about the Rio de Flag, see the Friends of the Rio de Flag website.
- Click on this link for a very large, zoomable PDF on a separate page: FMPO watersheds (allow several seconds for map to load.)
— Flagstaff Watersheds map by Rob Speer.